Role of physical therapy in the control of pain, musculoskeletal decline and fatigue of patients undergoing cancer treatment after hospital discharge: a bibliographic review




Neoplasms; physical therapy modalities; pain; fatigue.


Introduction: Cancer patients present several important functional changes after discharge, in prolonged hospitalizations and during treatment. Physiotherapy acts directly by preserving and restoring kinetic-functional requirements and reducing possible other losses. Objective: to identify and describe the role of physical therapists in the control of pain, musculoskeletal decline and fatigue in cancer patients during treatment after hospital discharge through a literature review. Methods: narrative review of the literature through searches in the (PubMed) National Library of Medicine (NLM) and (BMC Med) Biomed Central Medicine (Scielo) Scientific Electronic Library databases, (INCA) National Cancer Institute. Results: The data search resulted in 16 articles and after critical analysis of the texts, 8 were included in this review. Of the articles analyzed, the following physiotherapeutic treatments were proposed: Therapeutic ultrasound, Manual therapies, Transcutaneous electrical stimulation TENS mode (BURST and VIF). Resistance exercises, resistance exercise associated with interval aerobic exercises, and aerobic exercises with standardized exercise guidance, for control groups. Conclusion: It was seen that physiotherapy is indispensable for cancer patients during and after treatment regardless of the type of approach.  Positive results could be found resulting from Physical Therapy programs, such as: reduction of fatigue improving physical conditioning, reduction of joint limitations, improvement in sensory disorders, pain levels, emotional factors, promoting the patient's global and family well-being, etc. However, there is little evidence about the structure of these programs.

Author Biographies

  • Ariany Lara Souza Oliveira, UNIP

    Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Jundiaí, SP, Brasil

  • Anna Carolina Bajluk Vera, UNIP

    Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Jundiaí, SP, Brasil


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How to Cite

Role of physical therapy in the control of pain, musculoskeletal decline and fatigue of patients undergoing cancer treatment after hospital discharge: a bibliographic review. (2024). Fisioterapia Brasil, 25(5), 1743-1756.