Overview of contingency in university hospitals in the COVID-19 pandemic
Covid-19; hospitals; health strategies; pandemics.Abstract
Introduction: in the context of the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency on January 30, 2020. Healthcare institutions needed to organize themselves to meet the demands arising from the period. Objective: the scenario of contingency planning in university hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic was described. Methods: a descriptive study, of the documentary analysis type, developed from publicly accessible online reports, from April to December 2020, in university hospitals. Results: the data set obtained highlighted some measures in common in the institutions, such as the immediate implementation of a committee to deal with COVID-19 and the implementation of safety measures for employees. Other actions were related to the acquisition of supplies, equipment and machinery, as well as the adoption of circulation restriction measures involving signage at the entrance of inpatient units regarding the restriction of patient flow, definition of exclusive areas for symptomatic COVID-19 patients, suspension of visits to inpatients, suspension of volunteer work, suspension of academic internships, suspension of events and in-person meetings, restriction of the use of elevators and common corridors, limitation of movement and patient safety, restriction of the entry of employees into isolation areas, installation of glass barriers in the reception area, and distance between beds and seats. Conclusion: the strategies implemented by university hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic were identified, which can serve as an example in other emergency or catastrophe situations and encouraged changes in routines, such as the production of research in the area, the implementation of extension activities and the development of virtual activities.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Érica Beatriz Oliveira Borges, Nazaré Pellizzetti Szymaniak, Álvaro Silva Santos, Ana Flávia M. de Oliveira Alves, Angélica Domingas de Castro, Fernanda Dib Ferreira de Campos, Priscila Andreja Oliveira (Autor)

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