Surgical patient satisfaction with care at a teaching hospital
quality of health care; patient satisfaction; surgicenters; perioperative nursing; nursing; surgical procedures, operative.Abstract
Introduction: Indicators of patient satisfaction regarding the services provided have become essential to learn about the institution's reality and guide the manager's decision-making in improving services. Objective: To evaluate surgical patient satisfaction with care in a teaching hospital. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. A structured interview was carried out with patients who underwent a surgical procedure from August to October 2019. The adapted Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems instrument, consisting of two parts, was used. The first, with questions for sample characterization and surgical characterization. The second, with questions about nursing care, doctors, intraoperative care, hospital environment and patient experience. Results: The sample consisted of 100 surgical patients, predominantly women, mean age 19 to 51years. Most surgeries were related to the digestive system. Regarding the satisfaction of surgical patients, the survey showed that 85% (85) of patients were very satisfied with the care and 96% (96) would recommend it to others. Regarding the surgical characterization, 18% (18) did not know how to inform the surgery they had performed. Conclusion: The survey showed that surgical patients are satisfied with the care received at this institution and would recommend it. Nursing and medical care, the perioperative period and hospital structure were positively evaluated.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Angela Silveira Gagliardo Calil, Ariane Sabina Stieven, Maria do Carmo Fernandez Lourenço Haddad, Marli de Carvalho Jericó, Priscila Buck Oliveira Ruiz, Leiza Ynara Bonito (Autor)
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