The use of instrumental myofascial release in the distal retrotibial fascial tissue to gain range of dorsiflexion movement in sedentary people
musculoskeletal manipulations; ankle; fascia; physiology; physiotherapy modalities.Abstract
Introduction: Myofascial release is a manual and instrumental treatment technique in the area of body therapies that can promote shear movement between the skin and fascia to relieve pain and muscle tension caused by tension points, known as trigger points. Objective: The influence of the use of instrumental myofascial release with the IASTM Pilon® kit in the short term on the distal retrotibial fascial tissue on the dorsiflexion range of motion was verified. Methodology: 50 people chosen for convenience of both genders, 25 males and 25 females aged 18 to 40 years (average 21.34 ± 4.06 years). The study consisted of intervention research, carried out with sedentary academics selected by spontaneous demand. The individuals initially underwent the Weight-Bearing Lunge Test using a cell phone application on both ankles to measure the degree of dorsiflexion range of motion. The instrumental technique was performed after the test using a sliding medium in a single treatment lasting one minute on the medial and lateral aspects of the Achilles tendon on both sides. Immediately after the intervention, the test was performed again to quantify the range of movement of the ankles. Results: Dorsiflexion range of motion was significantly greater after instrumental intervention for both right (t = -9.072, df = 49, p < 0.01) and left (t = -9.7074, df = 49, p < 0.01). The Weight-Bearing Lunge Test used proves that the fascia influences the range of dorsiflexion movement positively.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Emanuel Tanajura Silva, Wany Viana Malaquias, Dado Guilyos Santos Malaquias , Gustavo Pilon , Kleyton Trindade Santos (Autor)
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