Evaluation of the quality of life and mental health of the Uruguaiana population during the Covid-19 pandemic: preliminary study





Mental health; coronavirus; indicators of quality of life; physical therapy services.


Objective: To assess the increase and worsening in the number of cases of mental disorders caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, associating physiotherapy as a treatment for individuals with mental disorders. Methods: Comparative descriptive research conducted with residents of the city of Uruguaiana/RS aged between 18 and 60 years. People who do not reside in the city and those who responded to the questionnaire with duplicate answers, where only one response per question was accepted, were excluded. An online form structured by the researchers and the Short Form Health Survey 36 (SF-36) questionnaire were used for evaluation. Results: The final sample consisted of 56 valid responses. The prevalence of participants in relation to their work area was students (17/56), followed by health professionals (12/56). Regarding the diagnosis of mental disorders, anxiety (19/56) and depression (15/56) were prominent. In relation to the practice of physical activity, hobbies, or leisure activities, (35/56) participants abandoned these habits during the pandemic. The SF-36 questionnaire showed the lowest values in the emotional aspects (EA), followed by vitality (VIT) and mental health (MH). Conclusion: Health professionals who were on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19 may have been significantly affected compared to others. The SF-36 results also showed that people still suffer from the negative impacts on their mental health today.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Vitória da Silveira Klosterhoff, UNIPAMPA

    Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Uruguaiana, RS, Brasil

  • Gabrielle Leguiça Barbieri, UNIPAMPA

    Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Uruguaiana, RS, Brasil

  • Nelson Francisco Serrão Júnior, UNIPAMPA

    Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Uruguaiana, RS, Brasil


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How to Cite

Evaluation of the quality of life and mental health of the Uruguaiana population during the Covid-19 pandemic: preliminary study. (2024). Fisioterapia Brasil, 25(3), 1441-1455. https://doi.org/10.62827/fb.v25i3.1007