Sociodemographic profile of people with diabetics and its correlation with diabetic neuropathy and glycemic control




Diabetes mellitus; diabetic neuropathy; epidemiology.


Objective: Correlation of the sociodemographic profile with diabetic neuropathy and glycemic control in patients receiving primary health care. Methods: This is a subproject of the project “Risk stratification and sensorimotor intervention for diabetic foot care”, 60 people with diabetes of both sexes aged between 40 and 75 years were included, assisted at UBS João Bosco Pinheiro do municipality of Cuiabá-Mato Grosso. The assessment consists of the application of the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire, physical examination, collection of sociodemographic data and clinical variables. Results: 34 women and 26 men were included, with an average age of 58.95 years, average weight of 79.09 kg, average height of 1.48, average body mass index of 28.99 kg/m², average systolic blood pressure 132.86mmHg, average blood pressure average diastolic reading of 79.23 mmHg, average time since diagnosis of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus of 9.04 years, average education time of 2.8 years, average Glycated Hemoglobin laboratory test of 8.73% and an average of 4.63 points in the questionnaire Diabetic Distal Polyneuropathy Diagnosis Scale. Conclusion: A slight correlation was found in the variables age, Body Mass Index, Diabetic Polyneuropathy Scale and years of education, concluding the importance of greater years of education for better adherence to treatment due to a better understanding of the drug therapeutic complexity to achieve the glycemic control, being important in management, is the control of body weight and, among complications related to diabetes, we can infer the perception of signs and symptoms of Diabetic Polyneuropathy.

Author Biographies

  • Maristela Prado e Silva Nazario, ICEC

    Instituto Cuiabá de Ensino e Cultura, Campus Despraiado (ICEC), Cuiabá, MT, Brasil

  • Ariane Hidalgo Mansano Pletsch, UNIC

    Universidade Unic (UNIC), Cuiabá, MT, Brasil

  • Yasmin Renata Soares de Lima, UNIC

    Universidade Unic (UNIC), Cuiabá, MT, Brasil

  • Gioavana Hidalgo Pletsch, Centro Universitário Estácio

    Centro Universitário Estácio, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil

  • Caroline Senabio Mendes, UNIC

    Universidade Unic (UNIC), Cuiabá, MT, Brasil

  • Osvaldo Borges Pinto Junior , UNIC

    Universidade Unic (UNIC), Cuiabá, MT, Brasil


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How to Cite

Sociodemographic profile of people with diabetics and its correlation with diabetic neuropathy and glycemic control. (2024). Fisioterapia Brasil, 25(3), 1536-1546.