Sensory motor stimulation on physiological parameters in premature newborn




premature; neonatology; early stimulation.


Objective: to analyze the influence of sensorimotor stimulation on the physiological parameters of premature newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Methods: This research is characterized as an intervention study, with a descriptive quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out through the application of a sensory stimulation protocol. The study involved 25 newborn babies of both sexes, hospitalized in a clinically stable Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The newborns underwent a sensorimotor intervention protocol for 15 minutes daily, for 3 consecutive days. Comparative analyzes were carried out considering the variables heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, temperature, and body weight. The variables were measured before the intervention and immediately after the end of the intervention. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Centro Universitário do Cerrado, under protocol No. 20201450PROIC005. Results: It was found that heart rate and respiratory rate decreased (p-value<0.05). In relation to oxygen saturation there was an increase. Body weight throughout the interventions also showed an increase (p-value<0.05). Conclusion: the sensorimotor stimulation protocol contributed to better heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and body mass of newborns, demonstrating a safe technique, with great beneficial potential for the newborns in this study.


Author Biographies

  • Luana de Almeida Souza , UNICERP

    Graduanda em Fisioterapia pelo Centro Universitário do Cerrado de Patrocínio (UNICERP), Minas Gerais, MG, Brasil

  • Nilce Maria de Freitas Santos, UNIFUNEC/UFTM

    Fisioterapeuta Graduada pelo Centro Universitário de Santa Fé do Sul (UNIFUNEC), Mestre em Atenção à Saúde pela Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), Uberaba, MG, Brasil 

  • Thays Peres Brandão, UFU

    Enfermeira Graduada pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Mestre em Saúde Ambiental e Saúde do Trabalhador pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Uberlândia, MG, Brasil 

  • Gisélia Gonçalves de Castro, UNICERP/UNIFRAN

    Fisioterapeuta Graduada pelo Centro Universitário do Cerrado de Patrocínio (UNICERP), MG, Brasil, Mestre em Promoção de Saúde pela UNIFRAN, Doutora em Promoção de Saúde pela UNIFRAN, Pós-doutora em Promoção de Saúde pela UNIFRAN, Franca, SP, Brasil 


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How to Cite

Sensory motor stimulation on physiological parameters in premature newborn. (2024). Fisioterapia Brasil, 25(2), 1312-1323.