Knowledge of the Statute of the Elderly and Violence against the Elderly, a challenging issue for nurses: a literature review




Comprehensive health care; elder abuse; nursing.


Introduction: It is often in the family environment that people grow old and where most acts of violence against the elderly take place. This is due to the total lack of knowledge of the rights of the elderly by professionals and family members.  Objective: To describe knowledge of the Statute of the Elderly, highlighting the role of nursing in the face of violence against the elderly. Methods: This is a literature review carried out using the databases Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences) and SCIELO (ScientificElectronicLibrary Online) with the search terms violence against the elderly and nursing in Portuguese. Results: It emerged that nurses often have direct knowledge of the Statute of the Elderly and are the professionals who identify the first signs of violence against the elderly. It is up to them to identify the problem, help when possible and often report the violence. Conclusion: Nurses need to be familiar with the Statute of the Elderly and have the perception to identify violence, open up for the elderly person to talk about this problem and address this issue in their anamnesis. It is often the nurse who will identify acts of abuse and violence and also report them.

Author Biographies

  • Joselma de Almeida Vilela Gonçalves, CETE-FIC

    Graduanda de Enfermagem da Faculdade Integrada (CETE – FIC), Garanhuns, PE, Brasil 

  • José Ivo Ferreira da Silva, FBJ

    Enfermeiro, Faculdade do Belo Jardim (FBJ), Belo Jardim, PE, Brasil  

  • Tácio Henrique Francisco Matias, CESMAC

    Faculdade CESMAC do Sertão, Palmeira dos Índios, AL, Brasil


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How to Cite

Knowledge of the Statute of the Elderly and Violence against the Elderly, a challenging issue for nurses: a literature review. (2024). Enfermagem Brasil, 23(3), 1773-1783.