Welcome flowchart for people with venous ulcers in primary care in Ji-Paraná: integrative review
varicose ulcer; nursing assessment; nursing care; reception; wounds and injuries.Abstract
Objective: List the elements that should make up a reception flowchart for people with Venous Ulcers in Primary Health Care. Methods: Integrative review that comprised six stages. The search for references was carried out in books, dissertations, theses, legislation, current Brazilian regulations, guidelines and national/international protocols, the data was collected from February to April 2023, in nine databases, with the help of a librarian In retrieving the materials, a thorough reading of each study was carried out comparing results that could relate references and constitute the instrument. Results: 795 studies were found, 788 were excluded, leaving seven, whose data were recorded in a table. Of the selected studies, one pointed to the operationalization of care; the others were related to self-knowledge about Venous Ulcers, guidance in the home environment; instrument validation, interventions aimed at healing; developing a registry for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Venous Insufficiency and interviewing patients to explore barriers to adherence to compression therapy. this review contributes to the improvement of nursing care with greater quality and safety for people with venous ulcers and reveals a gap regarding the operationalization of care. Conclusion: The elements that should make up the flowchart are: taking anamnesis at the first contact, at each contact checking circulation, signs, symptoms, location, characteristics of the venous ulcer, pain treatment, compression therapy, in addition to educational strategies to prevent recurrences.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Bruna Barbosa Ferreira, Profª. Drª. Lucia Nazareth Amante, Profª. Drª. Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi, Profª. Drª. Dulcinéia Ghizoni Schneide, Profª. Drª. Adriana Dutra Tholl, Elida Ferreira de Moura Gomes (Autor)
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