Factors associeated with violence against the elderly in the state of Alagoas
Elder abuse; health profile; aged.Abstract
Introduction: Violence against the Elderly in the State of Alagoas had an increase in the number of elderly victims of homicide in 2023, when compared to the last two years (OAB/AL). In Alagoas there are almost half a million elderly people, according to IBGE data. Of these, at least half live in a state of poverty or social vulnerability. Objective: To analyze through an epidemiological study the factors related to violence against the elderly, consequences of violence, profile of aggressors, profile of assaulted elderly people. Methods: This is an epidemiological, descriptive, retrospective study with a quantitative approach, which proposes to analyze the factors associated with violence against the elderly in the State of Alagoas. Results: The results show that violence was predominant in male elderly, brown, with a level of education between elementary and higher education, with physical violence in greater number, practiced by body strength occurring in the urban area and in the residence itself. Predict that these results can guide more specific nursing practices for this group of the population, as well as present the violence against the elderly so that it can be identified and developed control strategies, given that they involve several factors that influence the process of human aging. Conclusion: It is important to note that this study identified incomplete information on notification forms in the state of Alagoas, it can be seen that the public policies that the state has in place to protect the elderly are still incipient, and that these do not provide the necessary care for the elderly, which increases the violence that these elderly people are subjected to.
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