Correlation of the waist height relationship with other anthropometric parameters associated with the cardiometabolic risk of apparently healthy individuals and with risk factors for cardiometabolic disease




Metabolic syndrome; obesity; physical exercise; lifestyle; primary health care.


Introduction: One of the criteria for cardiometabolic risk stratification (CRS) is the waist to height ratio (WHtR). Objective: to correlate WHtR with other anthropometric and body composition parameters in apparently healthy individuals or with risk factors for cardiometabolic disease. Methods: 193 men/220 women (18-74 years). The Mann Whitney test was applied for comparisons between WHtR-CC and WHtR-ABC and the results were presented as median and interquartile range. Pearson correlations were performed to assess the correlation between the variables CC, ABC and BMI in relation to WHtR. The level of significance adopted was (p<0.05) and the analyzes performed with the SigmaPlot for Windows software version 11.0, copyright© 2008 System Software, Inc. Results: The variables WHtR-CC and WHtR-ABC showed a significant difference when they were confronted in their entirety (p=0.001) with values for WHtR-CC of 0.49(0.45-0.54) and for WHtR-ABC of 0.52(0.47-0.58). The same happened in the comparisons by subgroup for both males and females (p=0.001), (p=0.020), respectively, and the values presented were for WHtR-CC of 0.49(0.45-0.55) and for WHtR -ABC of 0.51(0.46-0.56) in men and for women for WHtR-CC of 0.49(0.44-0.54) and for WHtR-ABC of 0.53(0.48-0.60). The correlations between the variable WHtR in relation to the BMI, WC and ABC were respectively; (p<0.0001) (r=0.904), (p<0.0001) (r=0.922), (p<0.0001) (r=0.924). Conclusion: WHtR has a very strong correlation with BMI, WC and ABC. However, CC and CAB should not be applied to the WHtR formula for the same purpose.

Author Biographies

  • Tiago de Oliveira Chaves, UFRJ

    Doutor em Educação Física, Grupo de Pesquisa em Avaliação e Reabilitação Cardiorrespiratória, Faculdade de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

  • Clóvis de Albuquerque Maurício, UFRJ

    Mestre em Educação Física, Grupo de Pesquisa em Avaliação e Reabilitação Cardiorrespiratória, Faculdade de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

  • Michel Silva Reis, UFRJ

    Doutor em Fisioterapia, Grupo de Pesquisa em Avaliação e Reabilitação Cardiorrespiratória, Faculdade de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil


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How to Cite

Correlation of the waist height relationship with other anthropometric parameters associated with the cardiometabolic risk of apparently healthy individuals and with risk factors for cardiometabolic disease. (2024). Enfermagem Brasil, 23(3), 1745-1757.